#IMC on social media

Ideally, the message reaching the customer should be the same regardless of whether it is from an advertisement, a salesperson, a magazine article, a Facebook fan page, or a coupon in a newspaper insert. Each element of the promotional mix element should be integrated in the communication; personal selling, advertisement, sales promotion, social media, and public relations. But, customers do not think in these five elements, they think everything is an “ad.” Marketers tend to neglect this fact when planning promotional messages and fail to integrate their communication efforts from one element to the next. Integrated marketing communications has become increasingly popular. IMC is the coordination of all promotional messages – traditional advertising, direct marketing, social media- for a product or service to assure the consistency of messages at every contact point where a company meets consumer.

#IMC related to #Marketing on Pinterest is very similar in results. When I first searched #IMC Pinterest had no posts, however, when I put #Integrated Marketing Communications thousands of post showed up on my screen. The message behind them are the same as #Marketing, but with more charts and graphs. Every post is different but, all have the same message or goal in mind.

Now, Instagram is a different story completely. When I searched #Integrated Marketing Communications, I noticed the pictures and content were the exact opposite of what I saw when I searched #Marketing. There are more related pictures and content with this search, I still see Pinterest as being the number one search engine for businesses to receive knowledge and insight on these topics. I don’t think Integrated Marketing Communications is in the same field as far as Marketing on social media, currently. Do I believe it will rise? Of course. But, for now, it is more informational on Pinterest.

Until next time,


What’s Trending?


Social Media is where many people look to for trending ideas, fashion, food, and much more. It has become an empire for marketing. Over half of the world uses some type of social media daily. Pinterest is a website used by millions of people all around the world. I use Pinterest just about everyday to see what fashion is trending or what to make for dinner that night. Instagram is another social media platform where you posts pictures of your life. People will posts their travels, what they are wearing, and just their daily life. I have learned of so many beautiful European countries that I would love to visit because of Instagram. Everyone has their go-to searches but what happens when you search, #Marketing on these social media platforms?

When you select the search button for #Marketing in Pinterest, tons of pictures pop up from 7 Mind-Blowing Marketing Lessons By Top Entrepreneurs to How to successfully run your first Instagram competition. I expected to see tons and tons of ads for clothing or traveling but every single #Marketing search from Pinterest is all about gaining experience in your work and how to become successful at it. There are numerous ads for designing your own website. Working online has become increasingly popular and more common than in years before. Having a site like Pinterest that gives you an unlimited amount of information to help you succeed in working online is mind blowing.

            Some people find it harder to communicate with people so they have turned to working online as a more fitting solution for them. There were an endless amount of  specific #Marketing ads on Pinterest for writing with a consistent brand voice across your online platforms. When it comes to #Marketing through this social media platform, it is more about building your professional ability versus what to wear that day. If I were wanting to look into starting a blog, I would go to Pinterest because the amount of marketing ads that they have available to you. Same with starting a business. Pinterest seems more of a beneficial social media platform versus Instagram.

            When I searched #Marketing on Instagram I saw what I expected to see, for the most part; Quotes & women. When you hashtag marketing on Instagram, the amount of pictures of women will overwhelm you. At least, for me it did. Instagram is more of a showing off what I have type or site whereas Pinterest was about improving yourself. The women are not even marketing anything. There is nothing in the photo with them. Just selfies of themselves. But, Instagram is all about beautiful people doing beautiful things that most people can’t do. However, some of the women will tag a location or service for marketing. These women will have many followers, so they could end up being a smart marketing tool because of their beauty. The quotes are inspirational and many of them are in another language.  Everyone enjoys these sights for different reasons however, Pinterest is the best site for #Marketing.

Thanks for reading!